Thursday, January 6, 2011

Siyanemukela - Welcome!

Just as our guests are getting ready to board their plane (if not already) to California, we unveiled our Welcome poster at school yesterday. 

We are very fortunate to be introduced to an internationally acclaimed watercolorist Gabrielle Moore-Gordon, who has graciously allowed the reproduction of her original works of art for the banners we are making to decorate the school for our guests.  A native of Zimbabwe, Gabrielle began painting animals because of her concern for the ongoing fate of wildlife as well as the plight of the people in Africa.  How appropriate it is that we have an image of a magnificent elephant, as the eSibonisweni school is located adjacent to Tembe Elephant National Park. Reminds me of Isilo, the largest "tusker" whom we were lucky enough to sight on our safari through the national park summer 2010.