Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Preparing the Seventh Grade for a Partnership Activity

Over the past few weeks the seventh-grade has been preparing to learn from and with Saint Mark's special guests from eSibonisweni Primary School in South Africa.  For my English class this means reading South African literature (My Children, My Africa by Athol Fugard), watching Molly Blank's documentary Where Do I Stand? on xenophobia in South African townships, brainstorming about the "unexpected surprises" about which they needed to warn guests from a very rural community, and preparing giant rain barrels for a joint art project that they will make in conjunction with the guests to our classroom.  This art project will be part of a greater project to decorate for Passport Day to South Africa, but it will also serve as a platform for the students to all discuss a theme that pervades the text of My Children, My Africa and our social and emotional learning class.  Despite being set in the violent upheaval of South Africa under apartheid, one of the simplest themes in the play to identify is one that middle schoolers can easily embrace: young adults with big dreams must often overcome odds to make those dreams occur.  I cannot wait to hear my students and our guests discuss their dreams and how they plan to reach them. —Stacey Kertsman

Sand, prime, design Ndebele-inspired decorations 

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